Get Free Expert Help

DC Health Link certified and trained Assisters and registered Brokers are available at no cost to you, to help you navigate the enrollment process, and find the right health plan that meets your needs and budget. They can also help you see if you qualify for lower monthly premiums.

Supported Languages
Optional Certifications
Insurance Practice Area

What is an Assister?

Assisters help Individuals, Families and Small Businesses in the District find quality, affordable health insurance through DC Health Link. Assisters are trained experts with deep roots and trusted relationships in the District and its communities. They include consumer and patient advocates, civic and faith-based organizations, business leaders and others. Assisters must complete more than 30 hours of rigorous training and pass criminal background checks prior to service. There is no cost to use an Assister.

What is a Broker?

Brokers are licensed professionals with health insurance expertise and long-standing relationships with Small Business owners, Individuals and Families. Brokers help clients identify their options and make choices that are in their best interest and meet their needs and budget. In the District of Columbia, Brokers must have an active DC license in good standing, complete training on DC Health Link, and have contractual relationships with each carrier in DC Health Link for the market in which he/she intends to sell. There is no cost to use an insurance Broker.