DC Health Link Enrollment Centers

The primary goal of DC Health Link storefront enrollment centers is to provide a comfortable and convenient environment to help consumers shop, compare and enroll in affordable health insurance. In-person enrollment support with certified and trained Assisters and licensed health insurance Brokers is available to help consumers navigate the enrollment process and select from various health insurance plans. They will also help consumers determine if they qualify for lower monthly premiums for private health insurance, or Medicaid. Consumers will get help with the renewal process and are encouraged to review their current coverage. DC residents are required to have qualifying health coverage, get an exemption, or pay a penalty on their DC taxes.
You can schedule an in-person appointment for enrollment assistance at DConetouch.
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Community of Hope
Marie Reed Health Center2155 Champlain Street NW (Ward 1)
Language(s): English, Spanish
Mon - Thu 10am - 3pm |
Leadership Council For Healthy Communities
899 North Capitol Street NE, 3rd Floor (Ward 6)
Language(s): English
Mon - Thu 10am - 4pm |
1377 R Street NW (Ward 2)
Language(s): English, Spanish, ASL, Amharic
In-person enrollment: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm |
Tele-Enrollment: Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm |
Leadership Council For Healthy Communities
901 G Street, NW, 2nd Floor Room M & N (Ward 2)
Language(s): Amharic, English
Tue - Wed 4pm - 8pm |
Sat 1pm - 4pm |
Mary's Center
3912 Georgia Avenue NW (Ward 4)
(844) 796-2797 (To Request appointments) Get Directions
Language(s): English, Spanish, & Other Languages
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm |
Community of Hope
Family Health and Birth Center801 17th Street NE (Ward 5)
Language(s): English
Mon - Thu 10am - 3pm |
Community of Hope
Conway Health and Resource Center4 Atlantic Street SW (Ward 8)
Language(s): English
Mon - Thu 10am - 3pm |
Leadership Council For Healthy Communities
Prestige Healthcare Resources1418 Marion Barry Ave, SE (Ward 8)
Language(s): English, Igbo
Mon - Thu 10am - 4pm |
Max Robinson Center1201 Sycamore Dr SE (Ward 8)
Language(s): English, Spanish, ASL, Amharic
In-person enrollment: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm |
Tele-Enrollment: Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm |
DC Health Link One Touch Enrollment Center
DC Health Link, in partnership with the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), and Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, has established One Touch Enrollment events designed to provide health insurance enrollment services and resources including on-site identity proofing, verification, Medicaid enrollment, premium reductions, and the free one-on-one enrollment support. These ?one-stop shop of services? will also include DC Health Link certified Assisters and licensed health insurance brokers who will provide information, answer questions, and help with enrollment and selection of insurance plan coverage. Information about the renewal process will be available as well. Don?t miss this opportunity to get in-person enrollment support.