DC Health Link Assisters

Assisters help individuals, families and small businesses in the District find quality, affordable health insurance through DC Health Link.

Assisters are trained experts with deep roots and trusted relationships in the District and its communities. They include consumer and patient advocates, civic and faith-based organizations, business leaders, and others. They are not affiliated with any insurance company and cannot recommend a specific insurance plan to you.

Assisters provide fair and impartial information regarding eligibility for health insurance coverage including private insurance and Medicaid. They help people determine eligibility for tax credits to reduce monthly premium costs, and help paying other out-of-pocket costs including deductibles and copayments. All DC Health Link Assisters undergo at least 30 hours of training before being certified as an Assister.

Assisters are required by law to safeguard your personal information, including your social security number, health information, income, tax information, and information on immigration status.